Our treatments


In Chinese Medicine and Neuropuncture overall wellness and mental health is closely linked to sympathetic and parasympathetic function. Recommendations are made for foods to help maintain mental health, to strengthen digestion and absorption and to increase quality of blood and assist in reduction of inflammation.

Treatment $135  Initial 1.45 min / Follow-up  60 minutes

“Alex really is a fountain of knowledge continually researching and updating us with facts. I love that and it works.” — Ann Rafealov

Alex really is a fountain of knowledge continually researching and updating us with facts. I love that and it works.
— Ann Rafealov
Alex Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners believe this ancient art form of healing will assist the body to restore its normal function. This can be done by inserting needles into specific points along neuropathways or at neuromuscular junctions - traditionally know as acupuncture points or channels.

Acupuncture has been treating ACC injuries for 20 years in New Zealand with successful outcomes. All our practitioners are ACC accredited.

Treatment ACC Initial $95 / follow up $75 

“I had never had acupuncture before and was terrified of needles. After treatment with Alex I realised there was no need to have worried and the treatment healed my injury.” — Alice Rule

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Daoists believe the knowledge of how to renew their internal resources and maintain an optimal state of wellness is possible through the practice of Qi gong & Tai ji. This involves dedicated commitment to learning form and regular practice using breathing techniques, movement and centering of the mind. In the 21st century it is often known as movement therapy. We offer one on one Qi gong sessions.

Treatment $80 / 60 minutes

Alex Acupuncture

Tui na is Chinese massage and is an integral part of the treatment services we offer. It is ancient form of body work that assists in addressing disharmony in the body.

Included in all treatments

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Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs are prescribed to restore balance in the body and to assist in normalising organ function and maintaining blood quality.

Included in all treatments

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Moxibustion is an ancient method that uses a Chinese herb called mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). Moxibustion can be effective in the treatment of scarring, skin conditions and injury as it increases blood flow to the area to increase circulation. The heat (fire or lamp) can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin able to treat skin conditions. We now have thermal imagery evidence that it may assist in the repair of herniated disc.

Included in all treatments

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Gua sha is a natural therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. We offer this service to gently scrape your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow.

Included in all treatments

Alex Acupuncture

Cupping is a restorative treatment beneficial in relieving muscular pain, stiffness and discomfort. Cups are placed on the skin’s surface to create a strong suction. This suction stimulates oxygen-rich blood to flow through to the muscles and tissue to promote the return of normal circulation encouraging repair.

Included in all treatments

I was skeptical at first, but now the only thing I regret was not trying this treatment sooner. It feels amazing and it fixed a very painful injury.
— Alice Rule


Traditional Chinese Medicine is thousands of years old and has changed little over the centuries. It’s basic concept is that a vital health force of life, called Qi, surges through the body. Any imbalance to Qi can cause disease and illness.